Colonial Industrial Dynamics (C.I.D.) is a large scale and industrial corporation, with members spanning the globe. As an industrial corporation C.I.D. focuses on providing raw materials and basic services that allow our customers to establish a stable foundation for their activities in the persistent universe within star citizen. Within the vast amount of options in industrial service and material providers in the persistent universe, C.I.D. proves to distinguish herself by providing customer-orientated excellence and a high standard of professionalism akin to large real-world corporations.
As an industrial organisation, C.I.D. offers a variety of products and services that are fundamental to the foundation and operation of organisations and large groups. The products that C.I.D. offers are categorised as primary and secondary resources, primary refined materials and primary operating essentials, manufactured on a large industrial scale. These goods include:
*Possibly revised, pending development and release of Star Citizen

Each organisation is unique and has its specific needs and demands that have to be met for it to be successful. C.I.D. aims to fulfil these needs and demands to the fullest extent possible within the industrial setting. This means that C.I.D. offers custom resource solutions, tailored to each specific organisation. As well as offering any secondary services that aid in the delivery of any and all industrial goods. In terms of services, C.I.D. offers:
Interested in C.I.D.'s products and services? We gladly schedule a meeting with you, to discuss any questions, as well as support you in setting up a custom resource package that is completely unique to your needs and demands.
We would like to schedule a meeting with you. During this meeting a C.I.D. sales representative will be able to support you in real time. This can be done through conventional DM systems such as RSI-spectrum, but also through a variety of voice chat programs. Upon schedulinbg the appointment, the sales representative will invite you to C.I.D.'s discord channel or be able to join your channel on the desired voice chat software.
To schedule a meeting please contact us through the RSI-website or through our corporate E-mail:
RSI contact:
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Business partners
Interested in C.I.D.'s products and services? We gladly schedule a meeting with you, to discuss any questions, as well as support you in setting up a custom resource package that is completely unique to your needs and demands.
Becoming a business partner will be especially interesting for organisations and groups with exceptional needs in the sense or quantity, quality and/or long-term requirements. By engaging in a business partnership, C.I.D. will be able to guarantee the delivery of goods and services by appointing service priority to its partners.
The benefits of becoming a partner
There are more benefits to becoming a business partner than just a high service priority. When negotiating a partnership contract more benefits will open up. These can be as simple as discounts on long-term or large orders, various delivery methods and adjusted delivery escorts, to more complex issues like logistical and engineering support for your organization. All in all, it will provide C.I.D.’s partners with the opportunity to fully focus on their respective markets while enjoying a strong industrial backbone.
How to become a partner
A long-term partnership with C.I.D. is bound to a contract with our organization, which among other things includes a strict non-aggression between C.I.D. members and your organization’s members.
In order to schedule a meeting and discuss various aspects regarding partnership benefits, we suggest you contact us through the following contact information:
RSI contact:
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